- The HRSA The site of the Historical Radio Society of Australia.
- The HRSA of SA The Historical Radio Society of Australia, South Australian group.
- The New Zealand Vintage Radio Society
- The British Vintage Wireless Society
- The Antique Wireless Association An American vintage radio site.
- The Canadian Vintage Radio Society A Canadian site.
- Radio Museum A site with a huge amount of information about various radios.
Australian websites
- Australian Vintage Radio All things old, musical and electronic.
- Grahame Jeffery's Radio Page Great Aussie site with lost of restoration and contruction projects.
- Kevin Chant's Australian vintage wireless information Parts, stuff for sale and wanted items.
- Mike Melzer's Radios and Electronics Website of Mike Melzer, HWS Magazine Editor.
- The Sydney Radio Collector Lots of information and pictures.
- The Vintage Wireless and Gramophone Club of WA. A club for people interested in the history, restoration, preservation and enjoyment of old wirelesses and gramophones in WA.
- Waverley Amateur Radio Society Formed in 1919 in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney, the Waverley Amateur Radio Society is the oldest continuously licensed amateur radio club in Australia.
Crystal Set sites
- Crystal Radio Plans and Circuits A site containing hundreds of articles about crystal sets.
- Mike Peebles Crystal Radio site
Discussion forums
- Vintage Radio Vintage Radio hosts Australia's only discussion forums relating to Australian vintage radio.
Commercial websites
- Corrien Maas's reproduction speaker cloth site Corrien Maas of the Netherlands reproduces hand woven speaker cloth from a sample you supply or has many already in stock - especially Phillips ones.